Fertility Focus

A revolutionary 360° approach to fertility.

Join the Waiting list for January '25

If you've landed on this page, it's likely because you're trying to conceive (TTC), or you're thinking about TTC in the near future. 

Whether this is all new to you, or you've been on a fertility journey for some time, you are likely feeling lost and overwhelmed with the all the information out there! 

​What foods should I be eating to enhance my egg health? What foods are good for implantation? Should I cut out caffeine?

What type and intensity of exercise is right when TTC? Can I exercise in the 2 week wait?

What should my partner be doing to help on this journey?

I'm going to a friend's baby shower. I'm so happy for her, but I'm also feeling so sad for myself. Why am I feeling these challenging emotions and what should I do?​

How do I cope with the worries and anxieties around fertility?

Yes... Overwhelming!

Well, that is exactly why we have created The Fertility Focus 90 Day Program.. To provide you with exactly what you need and a step-by-step guide on what to do in order to improve your chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Join the Waiting list for January '25

"Great program to prepare my body physically and mentally to be in its best state for conception. Great advise, exercises, recipes from all the experts"

"Gives you the concise and relevant information you need to know about TTC without all the Googling overload and overwhelm"

The Fertility Focus 90 Day Program is a revolutionary approach to preparing your body for pre-conception. It combines the vital components for prepping you (and your partner) for trying to conceive - Nutrition, Movement and Mindset. 

Traditionally, we have a medical model with fertility. You may go to your GP or healthcare provider, and they will typically tell you to take folic acid and come back in 6-12 months if nothing has happened, after which the approach is usually some form of medication or referral to a fertility consultant to discuss fertility assistance such as IVF.

This is so unfortunate, as there is tonnes of evidence to show just how effective changes in nutrition and lifetysle can be in turning around your fertility and making this journey more straightforward.

For this 90 day program we have gathered the leading experts in their respective field to deliver 6  key pillars in supporting you on this journey.

Meet The Fertility Focus Team

Dr. Michelle Hone

(BSc, PhD)

Fertility Nutritionist

6 Video-Led Fertility Nutrition and Lifestyle Modules 

  • The fertility checklist and what bloods do I need tested
  • Structuring your diet to optimise your fertility 
  • What supplements do I need to take?
  • What lifestyle changes should I make to optimise my fertility?​
  • How do I pin-point my fertile window?
  • What changes should my partner make? 

Emma Dowling

Pre & Postnatal Exercise Specialist

Video Led Work Along With Me Workouts

  • Pre-Conception and Early Pregnancy Safe Workouts 
  • 3 at-Home or Gym-Style Workouts per Week
  • New Training Block Each Month 

Dr. Aoife Durcan

Chartered Counselling Psychologist

5 Video-Led Mindest Modules 

  • Coping with Challenging Emotions, Fear and Anxieties with Fertility 
  • Skills for Managing Stress 
  • Sex and Intimacy 
  • Managing Your Self-Critic 
  • Setting Boundaries to Protect Your Mental Health 

Lorraine Hogan

Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Video-Led Yoga and Meditation 

  • Pre-Conception and Early Pregnancy Safe Yoga Flows
  • 3 Yin Yoga Flows 
  • 1 Yoga Nidra Meditation 

Maria Harte

Recipe Developer & Food Stylist

  • Delicious and Hassle-Free Recipes ​
  • Easy to Follow No-Fuss Recipes
  • Recipes Made with Simply and Fresh Ingredients​
  • Fertility Specific Foods and Recipes

Robyn Taaffe

Meditation Teacher

Video-Led Self-Soothing Tools and Meditations

  • A space to come when you are feeling overwhelmed or worried​
  • Tools and strategies to help cope with the stress and anxiety that will instantly help you feel better  
  • Guided meditations and visualisations​


Is this program only for people who are having difficulty with TTC (trying to conceive)? Or is suitable if we are just thinking about trying in the the next few months.

This program is perfect if you are just starting out and thinking about expanding your family in the coming months. There is a critical window prior to conception, which is approximately 90 days for women and 60 days for men, in which we can optimise egg and sperm health. We like to call it 'Trimester 0' and it considered important in optimising your fertility, and the health of your pregnancy. Optimising your health before conception is not just for people who are struggling with fertility.

I am starting IVF / ART soon. Is this program for me?

Yes, absolutely. There is tonnes of research to show that nutrition and lifestyle changes can have a huge positive benefit on IVF outcomes (Anyone who says different is unfortunately not looking at the research).

If you are prior to the retrieval process especially, there is a critical window prior to this process, which is approximately 90 days for women and 60 days for men, in which we can optimise egg and sperm health. We like to call it 'Trimester 0' and it considered important in optimising your fertility, and the health of your pregnancy, especially when using assisted reproductive technologies.

Is this plan suitable if I have PCOS?

If you have a regular period and you are ovulating regularly without medical assistance, yes, this program would be perfect. There are some additional recommendations that we can give you that are specific to PCOS, so please just message me and I will be happy to help. If do not have a regular period, I would recommend our one to one coaching, as you will require additional support. You can find out more about this here.

I don't have a period but want to start trying to conceive. Would this plan be suitable?

If you do not have a period, then there is more work we need to do to get your body into a place where you do have a period, and are ovulating regularly. This support is outside of the scope of this program. I would recommend our one to one coaching, as you will require additional support. You can find out more about this here.

When does the program start?

This intake starts on Monday 16th Sept 2024

How long will I have access to the course material?

You will have access for 6 months from your start date. However, if there are circumstances in which you need access for longer, you can of course just email us.

Is there support provided with this program?

Yes, you will have email support for any questions you have with our lead fertility nutritionist for 3 months.

What is the investment?

The cost of the program is €355.

With this program, you are receiving the expertise of the best practitioners, with years of experience in their respective field.

We honestly feel that not only is this program a great price for what you will receive, but the advice and peace of mind you will gain is actually invaluable.

A Revolutionary 360° Approach to Fertility.

Providing you with exactly what you need and a step-by-step guide on what to do in order to improve your chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Join the Waiting list for January '25